Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Chinese Outbound CRE Investment Way Up

BusinessWire has a report here of the spike in Chinese outbound commercial real estate investment.

Much of this is inbound to the United States.  The smaller investors who may not be included in these statistics will continue to acquire U.S. properties, boosting the pool of buyers.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

The price per square foot in accordance to BART stations - please see this graphic

Thanks to the people who did the research to determine the cost per square foot for real estate proximate to BART stations.


Tuesday, July 19, 2016

City coffers should be flush with revenues from property taxes

San Francisco just broke a record and you can thank all the residential and commercial property owners who have recently bought and sold which triggered a new tax basis.

See here:

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Warning to commercial tenants: If The ADA Education and Reform Act of 2015 does not pass, "drive-by" lawsuits will only continue

One of my commercial clients, an insurance agent, informed me of a string of "drive-by" lawsuits his parent company had been dealing with nationally.

This bill will help avoid costly litigation and allow commercial tenants to make repairs (or seek repairs by their landlords) without money going to unscrupulous attorneys.

See here: