Thursday, December 17, 2015

RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE DISRUPTION UNFOLDING!!! Airbnb's latest discussions: the good, the bad, and the ugly for residential tenants and buyers

It's reported that Airbnb is in discussions with some of the country's largest residential landlords and is considering partnering with them.
This could add a ton of inventory to the Airbnb platform which is great for people looking for a short term place to stay.  That's good news!

But what if you're in need of a long term rental apartment or house and the amount of inventory decreases and what's left is really expensive?  What if you're a current residential renter?  Will your options decrease?  Will renewing from year to year increase?  The answer is most likely, "Yes!"  This is a double dose of  bad news for residential renters.

Now for the ugly.  If residential tenants decide it's more advantageous to buy versus rent, then we will see more demand for available residential properties.  This is great news for sellers, lenders, mortgage brokers, and agents but horrible for buyers.

In a space-constrained region like the Bay Area, technology stands to disrupt the residential real estate market with huge implications on those who don't currently own their own place or aren't in a rent controlled property. 

Stay tuned!

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Landlord Dealing with Tenant Bankruptcy?

This is a great article highlighting some of the items a landlord must keep abreast of should his or her commercial tenant file for bankruptcy.

We always recommend keeping close to a commercial real estate attorney so if anyone needs a list of referrals, please let me know.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Time to Zell - but what does this really mean?

San Zell has reportedly sold billions of dollars of real estate recently.

Does this mean he thinks we're at the top of the market?  He seems to have a solid track record.

But, if he's selling, this means someone is BUYING his assets - are they crazy?

Please ping me to get the answer!

The state of startups - how will commercial real estate be affected?

First Round Capital published an interesting report showing the future of many things under the sun in regards to startups.

It will be interesting to see how many tech firms begin subleasing surplus office space as their growth plans change.  Will San Francisco become too expensive?  Will decision making shift more to investors?

Only time will tell.  Please ping me if you wish to discuss further.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Nelson Rising's Economic Forecast, with mention of the impact on Commercial Real Estate

Many years ago, Nelson's company Catellus was a major advertising client of mine who spent a lot of money branding their Mission Bay development in San Francisco and he has gone on to be one of the State's most cutting edge developers.

Here is his economic forecast.  I agree with his assessments regarding growth - I too don't see a major slowdown but do expect some of those "dark clouds" reeling in some of the unbridled exuberance.